All Opportunities

Welcome to the 2025-2026 Northwest College Scholarship Application. This application is for scholarships for the 2025 Fall and 2026 Spring semesters.

Browse scholarship opportunities below and, when you are ready to actually apply, click on the “SIGN IN” button at the top right and click on “Access your Application”. Answer about 30 general questions (including the essay questions). Once your application is complete you will be automatically considered for more than 300 scholarship opportunities, including Trapper Scholarships, Activity-Talent Scholarships, and Athletic Scholarships.

All scholarship offers are emailed to the email address you provided on your application for admission. You can also check the status of your award offers, at any time, by logging back into the scholarship application. For more scholarship application information, eligibility requirements, and helpful FAQs, visit the NWC Scholarship homepage HERE

Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
Budget $4,500 Matthias Ambrose Scholarship/Trapper Provider
The Matthias Ambrose Scholarship is available to residents of the Big...
Budget: $1,400 Max and Ernestine Murray Memorial Scholarship/Trapper Provider
The Max and Ernestine Murray Memorial Scholarship is available to full...
Budget: $500 Max Durney Memorial Scholarship/Trapper Provider
The Max Durney Memorial Scholarship is available to full-time Northwest...
Budget: $600 Metzler Athletic Scholarship/Athletic Provider
The Metzler Athletic Scholarship is available to full time students who...
Budget: $3,500 Michael Fleming Memorial Scholarship/Trapper AL Provider
The Michael Fleming Memorial Scholarship is available to deserving full...
Budget $700 Michael Troy Hissam Memorial Scholarship/Athletic Provider
The Michael Troy Hissam Memorial Scholarship is available to full-time...
Budget: $800 Michelle Murphy Schwab Nursing Scholarship/Trapper Provider
The Michelle Murphy Schwab Nursing Scholarship is available to students...
Budget $2,500 Mildred Robertson Parr Memorial Music Activity-Talent Scholarship
The Mildred Robertson Parr Memorial Music Activity-Talent Scholarship...
Budget: $3,000 Minnie Wasden Blood Elementary Education Scholarship/Trapper Provider
The Minnie Wasden Blood Elementary Education Scholarship is available to...
Budget: $3,000 Mitch Kelley Memorial Scholarship/Trapper Provider
The Mitch Kelley Memorial Scholarship is available to full time (minimum...
Budget: $1,400 Montana-Dakota Utilities Company Scholarship - Business/Trapper Provider
The Montana-Dakota Utilities Company Scholarship is available to...
Budget: $1,400 Montana-Dakota Utilities Company Scholarship/Trapper Provider
The Montana-Dakota Utilities Company Scholarship is available to...
2 @ $500 Morales Veronica Nursing Scholarship/Trapper Provider
The Morales Veronica Nursing Scholarship is available to students...
Budget: $5,000 Moyer Memorial Scholarship/Trapper Provider
The Moyer Memorial Scholarship is available to full time students who...
Varies Music (Vocal/Instrumental) Activity-Talent Scholarship
Music (Vocal/Instrumental) Activity-Talent Scholarships require students...
Budget: $2,500 Native Ways Scholarship
The Native Ways Scholarship is available to Native American students at...
$0.00 Neil Thomas Adkins Memorial Scholarship/Trapper Provider
The Neil Thomas Adkins Memorial Scholarship is available to Wyoming...
Budget: $500 Nellemay Gillett Blevins Non Traditional Student Scholarship/Trapper AL Provider
The Nellemay Gillett Blevins Nontraditional Student Scholarship is...
Budget $1,500 Nicholas Waln Morris, Sr., Aeronautics Scholarship/Trapper Scholarship
The Nicholas Waln Morris, Sr., Aeronautics Scholarship is available to...
Budget: $1,500 Nick and Madelyn Morris Nursing Scholarship/Trapper Provider
The Nick and Madelyn Morris Nursing Scholarship is available to students...
Budget: $6,800 Nickles Family Scholarship/Trapper Provider and/or Activity-Talent Scholarship
The Nickles Family Scholarship is available to full-time students...
$0.00 Nicole Rodriguez-Brown Athletic Scholarship/Athletic Provider
The Nicole Rodriguez-Brown Athletic Scholarship is available to...
$0.00 Norman L. and Ethel Wood Scholarship/Trapper Provider
The Norman L. and Ethel Wood Scholarship is available to Northwest...
Budget: $900 Northwest College Business Scholarship/Trapper Provider
The Northwest College Business Scholarship is available to students who...
Budget: $12,500 NWC Alumni Association Nontraditional-age Student Scholarship/Trapper AL Provider
The NWC Alumni Association Nontraditional-age Student Scholarship...
Budget: $12,000 NWC Alumni Association Scholarship/Trapper Provider
The NWC Alumni Association Scholarship is available to graduating high...
$0.00 NWC Athletic Scholarship/Athletic Provider
The NWC Athletic Scholarship is available to full-time students who...
Budget: $2,000 NWC Classified Staff "We Care" Scholarship/Trapper AL Provider
The NWC Classified Staff “We Care” Scholarship is available to Adult...
Budget: $500 NWC Foundation Nontraditional Student Scholarship/Trapper AL Provider
The NWC Foundation Nontraditional Student Scholarship is available to...
$0.00 NWC International Student Scholarship/Trapper Provider
The NWC International Student Scholarship is available to international...
Budget: $2,000 NWC Women's Giving Circle Scholarship
The NWC Women’s Giving Circle Scholarship is available to female...
Budget: $600 O'Donnell Extension Club Scholarship/Trapper Provider
The O’Donnell Extension Club Scholarship is available to degree-seeking...
Budget: $11,000 Oliver and Goldy Dawson Scholarship/Trapper Provider
The Oliver and Goldy Dawson Scholarship is available to students who are...
Budget: $1,000 Opal Jones Memorial Allied Healthcare Professionals Scholarship/Trapper Provider
The Opal Jones Memorial Allied Healthcare Professionals Scholarship is...
Budget: $800 Panther Pride William McRann Scholarship/Trapper Provider
The Panther Pride William McRann Scholarship is available to full-time...
Budget: $700 Pat Seeburg Memorial Scholarship/Trapper Provider
The Pat Seeburg Memorial Scholarship is available to Wyoming high school...
Budget: $400 Paul Miller and Larry Van Epps Memorial Welding Scholarship/Trapper Provider
The Paul Miller and Larry Van Epps Memorial Welding Scholarship is...
$0.00 Paul R. & Arland R. Larsen Scholarship/Trapper Provider
The Paul R. & Arland R. Larsen Scholarship is available to Wyoming...
Budget: $2,000 Peck-Livermore Scholarship/Trapper AL Provider
The Peck-Livermore Scholarship is available to Nursing-related and...
Budget: $2,800 Peg Frisby Scholarship/Trapper Provider
The Peg Frisby Scholarship is available to full-time students at...
Budget: $1,200 PEO Chapter AO Living Legacy Scholarship/Trapper Provider
The PEO Chapter AO Living Legacy Scholarship is available to female...
Budget: $1,500 PEO, Chapter P Scholarship/Trapper Provider
The PEO Chapter P Scholarship is available to female students who are...
Budget: $3,500 Pepsi Athletic Scholarship/Athletic Provider
The Pepsi Athletic Scholarship is available to full-time students who...
Budget: $2,000 Pepsi Scholarship Endowment/Trapper Provider
The Pepsi Scholarship Endowment is available to Wyoming residents who...
Budget: $2,100 Pinnacle Bank Athletic Scholarship/Athletic Provider
The Pinnacle Bank Athletic Scholarship is available to full-time...
Budget: $2,000 Pinnacle Bank Scholarship/Trapper Provider
The Pinnacle Bank Scholarship is available to students pursuing a...
Budget: $500 Point Architects Academic Scholarship/Trapper Provider
The Point Architects Academic Scholarship is available to full-time...
Budget: $500 Point Architects Soccer Scholarship/Athletic Provider
The Point Architects Soccer Scholarship is available to full-time...
Budget: $1,000 Powell Business and Professional Women's Scholarship/Trapper AL Provider
The Powell Business and Professional Women’s Scholarship is available to...
Budget $1,000 Powell Lions Club Scholarship/Trapper Provider
The Powell Lions Club Scholarship is available to graduating seniors of...