Bruce and Darla Murray String Music Activity-Talent Scholarship

The Bruce and Darla Murray String Music Activity-Talent Scholarship requires students to participate in one or more musical ensembles during the academic year. The Music Scholarship Acceptance Form outlines the ensembles in which students are required to enroll to remain eligible for the scholarship(s), and will be emailed at a later date. Students must register for the courses listed, print, sign, and return the form to the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office (via mail or attached to an email) in order to accept the scholarship. In addition to returning the signed Music Scholarship Acceptance Form and participating in the required ensembles, students must also submit a thank you letter addressed to the donors of the above mentioned scholarship. Students attendance may also be required at a donor luncheon in November; more details regarding the luncheon will follow. PLEASE NOTE THIS SCHOLARSHIP HAS SPECIFIC ACADEMIC AND/OR ENROLLMENT REQUIREMENTS THAT SUPERCEDE NWC’S ACTIVITY-TALENT SCHOLARSHIP REQUIREMENTS: preference will be given to a student who will participate in the NWC Civic Orchestra, and whose principle instrument is the violin, the viola, the cello, or the string bass. Recipients must have graduated in the top 50% of their high school class and shall not use tobacco alcohol or other drugs in any form or amount. Ability, character, leadership and clean living standards are a priority in selection. Recipients must enroll full time each semester and maintain at least a 2.00 GPA. Eligibility is dependent upon participation as determined by the Activity Coordinator, and may be canceled at the discretion of the Activity Coordinator, at any time, and must be repaid for non-participation.

Budget: $1,600