Bruce Murray Women’s Athletic Scholarship
Many people said that Bruce Murray was born to farm. He grew up on his parents’ farm near Powell and homesteaded on the East Willwood as a young man. He was voted outstanding athlete of his graduating class in 1931 and passionate about athletics. Throughout his life, he was loyal to NWC athletic teams, both boys and girls, and he and his wife enjoyed attending games and other sporting events. He chose to endow a women’s athletic scholarship, because he believed that young women deserved to have the same opportunities as young men.
Bruce graduated from the University of Wyoming, but he supported his hometown college. He believed that a college education prepared one for a lifetime of working and learning, and he was grateful to live in a community that was home to an institution of higher learning. Bruce respected NWC for the education it offered its students and for the contributions it made to his community, both economically and culturally. He had an active, eager mind and continued learning until the day he died, at 93 years old.
The Bruce Murray Women’s Athletic Scholarship Endowment provides support to female athletes who share his love of learning, integrity in life, and playing team sports.