Alcyone Chapter # 27 Eastern Star Scholarship Endowment
Absorkee Lodge # 30 A.F & A.M. of Powell received a letter from Cedar Chapter # 14, Order of Eastern Star of Cody regarding forming an Eastern Star Chapter in Powell and offered their assistance. First Meeting of Alcyone Ch. # 27 was held on November 11, 1911, those present voted to meet on the first Thursday Nearest the full moon.
With Passage of time and lack of interest, membership declined, loyal members affiliated with Alcyone CH. # 27 in Powell: Bethany CH. # 33 in Deaver, Radiant CH. # 34 in Lovell, and Cedar CH. # 14 in Cody. These members worked hard in their communities donating funds for Scholarships, Boy & Girls Club, Crisis Center, Children’s Resource Center, Girls State, ambulances during World War II and many more needy organizations. Now the time has come for us to shut off the light and close the door, after on hundred and twelve years of memories, adventures, and many friendships that will outlive our beloved Chapter.
Alcyone Chapter # 27 Eastern Star Scholarship Endowment is open-ended for additional gifts.